WELCOME to my cradle, my little spot in cyberspace, my sanctum. this blog is supposed to be private. shhhh, dont tell your friends about this. but oh well, whatever. if you find this blog, it means youre AWESOME! and nosey. jk. hah! enjoy, stalkers. PEACE! this is my blog, my journey, my life in random.

Hi my name is jei, im just an ordinary kid from somewhere. im into music and the arts, i enjoy the outdoors, loves everything beautiful. i enjoy laziness and stubborness after long demanding hours of school, work and rehearsal. im random, has lots of friends, pretty reliable, huh!


quick updates
Thursday, April 30, 2009 8:39 PM
quick updates
just some quick updates on what happened on my dear life recently.

on sunday, we had a concert, we did duke ellington's work. it was fun, we had to wear bright colored button down shirt. i wore the brightest neon green shirt that i found at H&M. jessica chapuis, was also one of the performers, she is a tap dancer, a really awesome one. man, the piece she performed was really long. if i would do that, i'll probably dead by now. lol jk.

my fave among the songs in ellinton's sacred concert is "Heaven". The guy who sang it really did an awesome job.

Heaven my dream
Heaven divine
Heaven supreme
Heaven combines
Every sweet and pretty thing
Life would love to bring
Heavenly Heaven to be
Is just the ultimate degree

its my first time performing this genre of music. it was a nice experience.

also on tuesday, i was part of another concert, the orchestra this time. i actually had fun and thinking of goin back next sem... hmm. man im so in a rush right now. i'll update this again soon and i'll post pics.. =)

the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde
Thursday, April 23, 2009 4:56 PM
the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde

finally, i finished reading the book. its a shame that it took me long to finish it since its just a novella with 10 chapters. but yeah, im glad that im getting things done. i still have to summarize the chapters and analyze each one. then i could start researching for premises for my argument. thanks to my dad david for the ideas. =)

current dilemma
4:46 PM
current dilemma

i dunno if i should go to toronto, i mean, part of me wants to, but im not sure if its the right thing. im still on the process of weighing things out.

catching up with abbie/ string quartet concert
Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:41 PM
catching up with abbie/ string quartet concert

yesterday was awesome. i always enjoy sabbath. the weather was also nice, it was sunny. i got to play the violin with the praise team at church. it was also nice to see all my church friends. its kinda sad though coz one of the family from church ( the velasquez') are moving back to puerto rico. but its ok, i know God has a plan for them and for everyone. everything happens for a reason.

I was invited by my foster parents, David and Ronelle Holloway (i call them mom and dad)to have lunch at Jesse's place together with our other friends, elvis was goin to be there too. but i cant come since my dad invited me at their friend's house first to have dinner. so yup i went. good thing was abbie castillo was there, a good friend of mine that i havent seen in 3 years. we had an interesting story on how we met. i actually met her on my trip back to manila iin 2005. we were on the same plane together with her sister shelly. we also met another guy named brian. it was great gettiing to meet them.

so yeah, i had a good chat and catching up with abbie, she will be having an internship at some hospital in NYC. im happy for her and proud at the same time. she and her sister are one of the nicest people ive ever known. their parents as well are such nice people. im so glad to have met them in my life.

we took some pics just to "preserve the moment" as abbie calls it. it wasnt our best photoshoot but its better than nothing. lol.

after goin to abbie's i dont wanna go home yet so i decided to just check the Jan Sobieski string quartet concert at the immanuel lutheran church around our neighborhood ( i saw the poster at the public library last week). i havent seen a classical concert in a while. so yeah, it was a breath of fresh air to me. it made me rekindle my "inner violinist" lol im not sure about the term but i guess what im tryin to say is, it kinda inspired me and reminded me of my "lost" passion. i called it lost since i was so into those thing way back, i dreamed of forming my own quartet and doin concerts and stuff but i dunno, i think dreams change. but yeah, im not closing doors to any possibilities.

anyways, the quartet was awesome. the concert was great and the church was solemn. it gave me a relaxing and nostalgic feeling. i want some more of it soon. =)

hmm, so today, i guess i'll be stuck at home. i have an exam tomorrow. i better study. =P

friday rants
Friday, April 17, 2009 1:13 PM
friday rants

yey its the weekend! its also my dad's b-day today. dunno how old is he though. hah! so yeah, week was ok. im at the school library right now. i have no idea what to do next lol. hmm, man, this weekend would be busy, i can tell. psych exam and meeting with dr. kumamoto about the english assignment, and an interview at oak brook. *sigh*

i need summer clothes. but unfortunately, im super broke and super poor as a mouse. thats a cliche! man, i really need to focus. im bein so disoriented these past days. not good. =P

p.s. my brother (RA) is giving me a hard time.

happy easter!
Sunday, April 12, 2009 8:49 AM
happy easter!

yey its easter time! and im home alone. lol. well yeah i woke up today and my folks gone. its ok like its somethin new. im not really part of this family thing or whatever. yup!

but anyways, yesterday was a blessed day for me. i got to sing in my home church for the first time. man, i was so nervous. but thank God that everything went well, people were blessed and i myself was blessed. thanks to dustan for singing with me and also to mrs bizzocchi for playing the piano for us. God is really good and His love endures forever =)

it was a long day for me but i enjoyed it, i took a short nap after church then i dropped off meg at her work place, then i went back to church for the health seminar. after sunset we had a gym night and i got to play soccer... for like half an hour. lol. some of the pre-schoolers from church wont let go of me, they kept on chasing me even when im playing soccer so yeah, i had to stop coz i dont want them getting ran over by the soccer kids. lol. it was fun though.

well i guess this is all for now. im still thinking of what to do today, i'll prollie just study and finish the book dr jekyll and mr hyde. man, its so long over due! haha... so yup.

i hope and pray that everyone is having a blessed easter! =)


for naj (late post)
8:38 AM
for naj (late post)

Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?

Circumstances change, people move on, and it's normal to be sad.

on wednesday, april 8 was naj's flight goin to manila, they had a stop over at chicago o'hare airport and we got to talk for while. i was so sad that i was cryin along the hallways of my school. i dont care, im just sad. but thats life, sometimes we had to say goodbye to friends, but its ok. because meeting again after a long time is certain for true friends. i'll miss you naj, have fun in the philippines!

i need a make over.
Thursday, April 2, 2009 2:00 PM
i need a make over

im thinking of saying goodbye to my orange-ish light brown hair that is supposed to be ash blonde. lol. but i dunno, i never had black hair in like 2 years. im no longer used to it but i think i should go back to my roots. lol.

so yup. decisions.

man, i really need a job. i think my hair is the problem why i cant get a job. i dunno. but yeah, im really considering getting a hair cut too.

i dunno.