WELCOME to my cradle, my little spot in cyberspace, my sanctum. this blog is supposed to be private. shhhh, dont tell your friends about this. but oh well, whatever. if you find this blog, it means youre AWESOME! and nosey. jk. hah! enjoy, stalkers. PEACE! this is my blog, my journey, my life in random.

Hi my name is jei, im just an ordinary kid from somewhere. im into music and the arts, i enjoy the outdoors, loves everything beautiful. i enjoy laziness and stubborness after long demanding hours of school, work and rehearsal. im random, has lots of friends, pretty reliable, huh!


25 random things about me.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1:21 PM
25 random things about me.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.

Since the snow has literally drowned our driveway and everywhere else, I have all the time in the world to do this:)

1. I wish i have older siblings.

2.Growing up in the Philippines, i often dreamed and prayed for snow before i go to bed. then i would wake up early and go outside and check if my prayers were answered. Guess what? no snow.

3. I have a huge collection of trolls and GI Joes when i was a kid. i still have the trolls back in manila, but all the GI Joes are dead now after i put them all in my big tonka truck and blow them away with "five-stars" ( a type of filipino fire cracker)

4.I learned how to drive a motorbike when i was 6. i stopped after having an accident that burned my left leg. good thing i have no scars.

5. I love the smell of gasoline and isopropyl alcohol.

6. I was pyrophobic as a kid. it started after me and my friends almost burned their whole backyard and we dont know how to stop it. i just cried while my other friends are trying to stop it by fanning the flames, which in turn, made the fire bigger. neighbors came to the rescue.

7. I collect chuck taylors. i think i have 20 pairs already. its one of my guilty pleasures and it should stop.

8. Ive always wanted to learn how to play the Harp.

9. My favorite orchestra instrument is the timpani.

10. I used to be so obsessed with my violins that i gave them names. my first one is Heaven, then Prince, then my pink one, Miyuki. I think i lost Prince though. He's prollie somewhere in Manila.

11. My dream job as a kid includes bein an astronaut, a circus performer, and a person who sells balloons in the park. hey atleast i have dreams!

12. Im trying to learn spanish. i even labeled almost anything around the house with spanish translations. LOL.

13. I experienced bein a "survivor" once. me with some of my highschool classmates spent a night in an island without electricity, fresh water and no shelter. just a plain island. we slept by the shore. and woke up with lots of insect bites. it was terrible.

14. I usually customize and alter my clothes. i barely find clothes that suits me perfectly. most of my clothes have stitches on the sides to make it smaller.

15. I was a choirboy since i was 5. i sang 1st soprano back then, now im baritone.

16. I can't pronounce the letter "R" correctly. people think it sounds funny when i try to. thats why i dont like my first name.

17. I am somewhat a Lacto-ovo-vegetarian.

18.I dreamed of bein overweight.

19. I used to want to be a fashion photographer.

20. I am uncomfortable having my photo taken.

21. Im used to be so scared of theme parks. but thanks to my CHOZEN friends who helped me learn to enjoy it. I would like to thank specially my brother Josh for such sweet torture.

22. Toronto is my "fave" hometown. I just love everything about it. People are so nice and fashionable. i love taking the TTC and most of all, i met my bestfriends/ family there... and that brings me to number 23.

23.I Love my group CHOZEN. we're practically married with each other. oops wrong term coz that would be like incest. hah!

24. Im a bit obsessed with my hair. my hair is naturally wavy but i straighten it most of the time and spike it.

25.im single =P


sunday brunch
Sunday, January 25, 2009 11:18 AM
sunday brunch

it was 9:30 am today when i woke up. my headaches for sleeping with lights on. i was alone in the basement and i was scared. i felt like a little boy scared of monsters. the scenes and images from the horror films that i watched with my friends in canada was haunting me. i was hugging cho-cho. im trying to imagine myself last night and now i think its funny. or should i say stupid. hah!

later on, i got ready and i went somewhere to eat. im not really hungry but i have to eat something. i spotted the great american bagel just around the area. ive never been there and i thought it would be nice to try somethin new. i went in, it reminded me of tim horton's in canada, but i realized that they are so different from each other.

country music was playing, it added warmth and coziness to the place. then i found out that the music playing was live. there were a couple, prollie in their late 50's making that music. im not really a fan of country music and i barely listen to it, but today i found it quite enjoyable. it gave me that "american country life" feel.
i showed them my appreciation by applauding everytime as song is finish. soon it was time for them to leave. they put their guitars back in its case and they put on their coats. the lady put on her sunglasses and took somethin from her purse and i later discovered that it was a telescoping cane. i didnt know that she's visually impaired.

after my meal, i get back to the car quickly and turned the heat on. man, it was freezing. i was pondering on my "experience" and i've realized how music can make you feel good. and how it appeals to everyone. it sort of bind people together no matter who you are, what your ethnicity is and whats your status in life. i think that is one of my best brunch ever.

the end.

little flowers never worry
Friday, January 23, 2009 9:18 AM
little flowers never worry

Little flowers never worry
When the wind begins to blow.
And they never, never cry
When the rain begins to fall.

Oh, it's wet and oh so cold,
Soon the sun will shine again.
Then they'll smile unto the world,
For their beauty to behold.

When the clouds begin to gather
And the storm begins to blow,
Little flowers don't complain,
Though they're tossing to and fro.

Oh, I guess they've learned the secret,
They don't fret because they know,
If it never, never rained,
Then they'd never, never grow.

So, let it rain, let it rain, let it pour,
Little trouble keep on knocking at my door,
If we'll learn the right from wrong,
It will help to make us strong.

Lord, please help us learn the secret,
Even little flowers know,
If it never, never rains
Then we'll never, never grow.

ive never really appreciated this song until one tough day, i was driving while listening to ate baverly's cd. this was one of the tracks. i listened to the lyrics and pondered on the message of the song. ive realized one thing. we should not worry. trials are part of life. this song is very simple, even little children could understand. im putting this song in my feel good list =)


uber late holiday pichurs.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:36 PM
uber late holiday pichurs.

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back to school.
4:26 PM
back to school.

yup. finally im back to school. still in college of dupage. first day was exhausting. i just got the books today. i have a lot of reading to do when i get home since i missed some classes last week. but all is good. im happy to be in school. i hope everything would go well, especially my finances. OMGSHH. i hope my fafsa would be approved. and yeah, i need a new job. i dint get fired but i need a job that would fit my schedule. man, i hope i'll get one soon. hmm anyways this is just a quick update. ttyl blog.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 11:35 AM

Jei is a bum in toronto. hahaha.
well, its ok though. its nice to be a bum once in a while.
but not always and not for too long. bwahhaha.

hello 2009!
Thursday, January 1, 2009 3:16 PM
hello 2009!

happy new year to everyone!