WELCOME to my cradle, my little spot in cyberspace, my sanctum. this blog is supposed to be private. shhhh, dont tell your friends about this. but oh well, whatever. if you find this blog, it means youre AWESOME! and nosey. jk. hah! enjoy, stalkers. PEACE! this is my blog, my journey, my life in random.

Hi my name is jei, im just an ordinary kid from somewhere. im into music and the arts, i enjoy the outdoors, loves everything beautiful. i enjoy laziness and stubborness after long demanding hours of school, work and rehearsal. im random, has lots of friends, pretty reliable, huh!


cinema paradiso
Monday, October 27, 2008 8:34 AM
cinema paradiso

finally, i got to see the movie. it was uber awesome. very emotional. not the typical love story. not the very romantic type, but still its a love story. every story is a love story.

Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno
Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria
Io trovo dentro gli occhi tuoi
E nearo se magia o lealta

Se tu fossi nel mio cuore per un giorno
Potreste avere un'idea
Di cio che sento io
Quando m'abbracci forte a te
E petto a petto, noi
Respiriamo insieme

Protagonista del tuo amor
Non so se sia magia o lealta

Se tu fossi nella mia anima un giorno
Sapresti cosa sono in me
Che m'innamorai
Da quell'istante insieme a te
E cio che provo e
Solamente amore

If you were in my eyes for one day
You could see the full beauty of the joy
I find in your eyes
Not knowing if it's magic or real

If you were in my heart for a day
You would have an idea
Of what I feel
When you hold me strongly to you
Heart to heart,
Breathing together

Protagonist of your love
I don’t know if it’s magic or real

If you were in my soul for a day
You would know what is inside me
That I fell in love
At that instant, together with you
And what I sense
It’s only love...

super random updates
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 4:46 PM
super random updates

ok, where will i start. hmm let's see.
oh yeah, about my job. its ok. cant complain about it. im getting more hours since my co worker maria got fired. about harrington, no more harrington for now. i got some financial aid from the government but still it would only cover like 45% of my tuition. the rest, i have to pay, or i have to get a loan to pay for it. my dad dint sign. i have no co signer so yeah, i cant have it. so i have to cancel my application. but i think its all good. i dont really wanna pay loan after college. even if its the only way i can think of to get money for college. but yeah whatever. im really fickle minded. as of now, i dunno what to do with my life. i wanna go back to AUP though next year. WAAAAAAAAAHHHH. this is so crazy. but yeah, im praying about it and working hard and trying to save money for my "trip". well, its just a plan. but yeah. im still confused. (0_o)

lovelife. still ZERO. LOL. im not even looking for one. i guess. LOL. but i think i like someone right now. (^_*) but anwyays, i dont think i need it one now(lovelife). ive been so pre occupied lately. but i dont let it stress me out. i still try to find a lot of ways to enjoy life. hah! hmm...

what else. oh yeah, today i got a text message from josh. it was 6:30am when i got it. im like, whats up wit this person. but its all good. its great getting to hear from my toronto friends. man, how i miss them. i miss my chozen family. i think we really are DISBANDED!!!! OMGSHH. i cant believe this. LOL. so yeah, josh might come visit me soon. i think i need a time off for myself too. and it would great to get to hangout wit him again. and i hope that we could sing a duet in church. but we'll see.

OOOHHHHHHHHH yeahhh, last night i got to watch another foreign film, TSOTSI, its an african one. i was tryin to rent it a long time but im doubting the movie that it might just bore me. it was my first african movie i think.

i rented it from the library. i got 3 movies. i might watch one tonight. this is awesome. HAH! and i love goin to the library. im actually here right now. (^_*) meg is here too, she's doing some random things here. and i dont wanna know. LOL. man im bein so random. well, im random, like everyone else. =P

happy birthday bleigh!
Monday, October 20, 2008 5:48 PM
happy birthday bleigh

*BLEiGH's definition to me
talented photographer, singer, fashionista, make-up artist, student leader and most of all, one of the few that i call true friends. its really awesome having a friend like her, she's like a family to me. i really miss her. there's never a dull moment with her, we're almost together everyday when i was back in tdot, eating, sleeping, playing wii, watching movies, swimming, going to wonderland, and lalaland, driving anywhere, singing, going to church, shopping and just soaking up at josh's place. kulang nalang maligo kami ng sabay. hah! aww man, GOODTIMES!

a world filled with love
Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:20 PM
a world filled with love

this is my fave anime theme song back in the days. this is the dragon ball z theme song in the philippines. this song brings back a lot of memories from my childhood. i remember singing this in falceto. LOL. hmm, nothing really important. i just remembered this song randomly while im at work, prollie coz i daydream so much. =P

Life is so exciting and free
There are lots of good things to see
Fantasies, we can make them happen in this world
Lets not lose out precious time
They are really hard to find
Lets all go, and find adventures in this life
Oh we may see some mysteries that puzzle everyone
We must be strong to face them all like battles to be won
Aim high, reach for the sky now
Let love teach you the way how

Oh this world is filled with love
Oh this world is filled with love
So glad to know you do believe what love can do for you
Oh this world is filled with love
Oh this world is filled with love
Challenges make us strong, the power of love makes us win
As it fills us with joy!

jei the explorer
Friday, October 3, 2008 8:56 AM
jei the explorer

sometimes, we are so pre-occupied that we forget to see and appreciate some of the wonderful things around us. i myself can relate to that. ive been here in downers grove for years and im just starting to explore and enjoy the places around here. it started when we lose our internet connection, i began goin to the library and i began going out of the house and exploring places. i think its fun, and exciting, there's a lot of things to try and discover around here. and everywhere else!

i feel like a child learning and seeing new things, i feel like dora the explorer. LOL. there's a whole lot more to explore. life is short to waste time, there's a lot of things to see, learn, enjoy and be thankful =]

thursday randoms
Thursday, October 2, 2008 2:47 PM
thursday randoms

i never really get the chance to write the things that i really wanted to. whenever i sit in front of the computer in the library, i just cant relax and a lot of things are running in my mind. things like, the time, thinking whether i parked in the right parking lot and other stuff. i feel so pressured.

oh well, today is thursday and it is my day off. we already have internet at home but i dont get to use my brother's computer coz he's playing a lot of online games. i hope i could save money soon and buy myself a reliable computer of my own. *sigh*

tomorrow is my baby jannin's 1st birthday. its sad because i cant be with them. but they wont be having a birthday party til next week since my kuya dennis is flying to california with auntie mae for auntie tintin's wedding on sunday. mama mina and lolo dong would be there too, i think they already left manila yesterday. auntie shirly is already there i think. i wanna see them all but im so broke. i cant afford to go there now.

about harrington, im not positive that it would still pursue. there are thing that i just cant do right now no matter how hard i try. maybe its not the right time yet, or maybe its not really for me. only God knows. but i dunno, i just feel so numb and i worry less. weird. good thing is im not bein depress. and i have a lot of plans and im working it out. i think thats all for now. =P